a happy place
At Heart and Home Makeovers our mission is to create home environments that help families thrive in the midst of hardship. We improve home life for distressed families by providing free beds and household essentials. We have a bold vision to transform every distressed household into a powerhouse of hope and purpose, and we’re starting right here in Oklahoma.
pretty space.

Families enduring physical, emotional, or financial hardships are more likely to live in stressful households and the effects can negatively impact every member of the family. We bring relief to stressful living by providing household necessities at no cost. From beds to bath towels, having these household basics has proven to make a positive difference in people’s lives.
We serve single parents, special-need households, the foster care community, widows, at-risk youth, and those transitioning out of homelessness. The families we serve are referred through our partnering agencies so that we can work together to make a lasting impact.
We hope you will join us to help our neighbors in need. “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ”. Gal 6:2