Did you know you can help families thrive by helping us fundraise?
It’s simple.
Amazon Smile
If you shop on Amazon, choose to shop from Amazon Smile. Select Heart and Home Makeovers as your charity and proceeds from your purchases will be donated to us! (Every time you shop make sure your web address says “smile.amazon”).
Facebook Fundraising
Many people are utilizing social media as a way to raise money for a good cause. We are an approved charity on Facebook, so you can start a fundraiser that benefits Heart and Home Makeovers. Many people use their birthday as an opportunity to ask for donations, but you can choose any day you want to make a difference! Go here and click “raise money” to get started.
Attend Our Fundraisers
Follow our social media pages to stay in the know about the fundraisers we have planned. Your participation helps us whether it’s attending our gala or our garage sales.
Share On Social Media
The more you share about our organization, the more awareness and involvement it will build. Share our posts or write your own! Sharing leads to more funding, which enables us to help more families. Follow along on Facebook and Instagram.